Policy Issue

ENER Lot 11 - Fans and motors

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ENER Lot 11 - Fans and motors

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State of play

The review of Ecodesign Regulation EU 327/211 for fans has been ongoing since 2014. The review study was concluded in 2015. A draft revised Regulation was presented to the Ecodesign Consultation Forum in 2015, after which the process was halted. A new draft was presented in April 2022 and updated in June 2023.

In the next steps, the proposed Regulation will go into Inter Service Consultation, followed by WTO notification after the summer. It is foreseen that, if no further delays are encountered, the Regulation will be adopted and published in Q1 2024. The requirements would start to apply 2 years after that.

09 July 2024
The new Ecodesign implementing regulation for fans was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 4 July.
1 min read
11 October 2023
A draft Regulation repealing Commission Regulation (EU) No 327/2011 was published on the ‘Have your say’ portal for feedback. The feedback period closes on 03 November 2023.
1 min read
19 June 2023
At the Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Consultation Forum held on 9 June 2023, stakeholders discussed the draft elements of the revised Regulation (EU) 327/2011.
3 min read
17 May 2022
The Commission made available the draft minutes of the Consultation Forum meeting on fans of 1 April 2022. These minutes can be commented upon until 13 June 2022.
1 min read
06 April 2022
An overview of the past 2014-2022 developments were presented during the consultation forum, and a first discussion on the draft working document took place. The Commission integrated the comments made during the meeting and awaits further written comments by 29 April 20...
2 min read
04 March 2022
The review of Regulation (EU) 327/2011 started in 2014 but after the first Consultation Forum in 2015, the process suffered a significant delay due to concerns raised about cascading and large fans. The next Consultation Forum takes places on 01 April 2022....
2 min read


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