The EC DG-Energy published its assessment of shares on renewable energy sources (RES) in each Member State (MS) and in the European Union (EU) for the year 2020. Major findings on the shares of RES can be found in there.
Summary of the Report
In this final report, the DG-Energy presents the main findings of the quantitative and qualitative analysis regarding the achieved shares of renewable energy sources (RES) in each Member State (MS) and in the European Union (EU) as a whole and the main policies and measures implemented.
For the quantitative analysis, based on the data provided by the Member States and in the Eurostat ‘Shares’ database, the DG-Energy elaborated a set of graphs and tables to show the RES shares across different categories, mainly:
- Per sector: electricity, heating and cooling, and transport sectors (RES-E, RES-H&C, RES-T)
- Per technology
- For the year 2020, a comparison with the mandatory RES targets set in the Directive 2009/28/EC (RES Directive)
- Time evolution from 2011 to 2020
It is to be noted that all Member States achieved the 2020 RES target set by the RES Directive, except France. This analysis is based on currently available data (as of September 2022) and may not reflect all statistical transfers agreed between Member States.
The qualitative analysis of the reasons behind the observed results, implemented measures as well as best practices and recommendations is based on the information provided by the Member States in their reports, in previous PREBS reports, and in specific sources as indicated where relevant.
Recommended actions
The report provides a useful source of information. Overall, the data can be useful when preparing possible outlines for future developments.
Related documents and links
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- GEN – 1430.01 – Assessment RES member states report for the year 202020-MJ0322017ENN